The essentials in the Verdon

The Daluis Gorges

The Daluis Gorges

The Gorges de Daluis Regional Nature Reserve , also commonly called “Le petit Colorado Niçois”, for its red color , is located in the Alpes Maritimes department in the Provence-Alpes Côte d’Azur region , 1 hour by car from the Grand Canyon du Verdon . .

The RNF, the association of Nature reserve of France brings together more than 700 nature professionals (rangers, curators, animators, etc.), who work in nearly 350 nature reserves.

The Gorges de Daluis were dug by the passage of the Var river in wine-colored rocks called pelites and dating back more than 250 million years. These red colored rocks correspond to volcanic ash and fine sediments deposited millions years ago. They have undergone iron oxidation more or less strong. This rock color is very striking because it is located directly next to a very white rock called white gypsum. They really mark this landscape. Gray and black marls from the Cretaceous period will also be found on this territory, which also contrast with the very present red rock.

These gorges form a spectacular notch of more than 900 meters and are classified in Natura 2000 zone. This nature reserve has several nationally protected plant species and also species of heritage interest. They are also home to endemic animal species such as reptiles, birds, bats, and invertebrates.

Perhaps, you will have the chance at the end of spring to see the saxifrage leaf in ornate tabs. Genuine symbol of this preserved flora , which covers the cliffs with its magnificent clusters of white flowers.

The reserve extends over more than 1000 Ha, from the commune of Guillaumes to Daluis and presents breathtaking landscapes.

The Daluis gorges: The Alps Route

bridge of the bride daluis
The Bride’s Bridge

This reserve is crossed by the large alpine road , which was formerly used by the Tramway connecting Guillaumes. Today more commonly used by visitors with motorbike or car. You will find many lookouts to admire the gorges at different viewpoints . At the entrance of this road is the fabulous “head of a woman” which according to legend is the guardian of the gorges of Daluis. We can also find on the course the Bridge of the Bride where the more daring can embark on a Bungee jumping 80 meters high.

The Daluis gorges and sports activities:

This reserve is a nice land for many sports activities, you will find hiking . The most famous point of view of these gorges is only 2 hours round trip. The belvedere of the Sublime Point will delight you with a bird’s eye view of the gorges at a height of 300 meters.

The Daluis gorges can also be admired from below, by canoe-kayak or canoe-raft, during spring only (from April to June). That is to say when the melting snow gives a sufficient water level at the Var river to navigate.

In summer it is also possible to admire these gorges by water hiking that can last between 2 to 4 hours. You will descend the gorges on the shingle banks by walk, and sometimes cross the river bed where you can get water up to the waist .

These Gorges will offer to the moresportive and to thepassionate of nature, an incredible playground and observation.

Tempted by a nature activity? Come and learn about the electric scooter , a new eco-friendly and fun activity!

The essentials in the Verdon



lavender provence


Provence is now made up of 5 departments: the Alpes de Haute Provence, the Var, the Bouches du Rhône, the Vaucluse and the Alpes Maritime. It’s a very old region which is located in the South East of France. This region has existed since the Paleolithic period. Throughout the centuries, the region has always remained present, undergoing numerous geographic and political changes.

Formerly this region was divided in two : Haute Provence and Basse Provence. The Haute Provence is a moutain region where the earth is not very fertile . While the low Provence is a region more hot where many fruit trees can flourish. At the administrative level, Provence is currently an integral part of the region Provence Alpe Côtes d’Azur .

Natural parks and cities

Provence alone brings together 5 parks / protected areas : the Regional Natural Parks of Provence, Alpilles, Luberon and Camargue and the protected area of Ventoux.

You can find some of the most beautiful villages from France such as Baux-en-Provence (Bouche du Rhône), Moustiers-Sainte-Marie (Alpes de Haute Provence), Tourtour (Var), Ansouis (Vaucluse) and other large tourist towns rich in heritage, such as Avignon, Arles and Aix en Provence.

The land of lavender

Provence is currently known at a national and international level for its Lavender . It turns out that this plant is believed to be native of Persia. Its name comes from the word “lavare” in Italian which means wash . This plant was already used by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans to perfume their baths and their laundry. In France, the cultivation of lavender appeared in Burgundy in the “gardens of the simple”, then from the 16th th century, the essence was distilled in Provence . This one heals wounds and serves as dewormer . It is only at the 19 th century with the development of industry and perfumery that we began to cultivate this wild plant on larger land, in order to make it a source of income .

Currently two species are cultivated in the region: the “true” lavender and the finelavender . They grow in Mediterranean scrubland, between 600 and 1400 meters above sea level. They are enhanced by the PDO lavender essential oil from Haute-Provence. There is another variety: thelavandin , made from the crossing of fine lavender and aspic lavender. This plant is cultivated at a lower altitude: between 200 and 1000 meters.

A multifaceted region

It is a land of contrast , inwarm colors and welcoming landscapes. We go from the scrubland, to the rock cliffs, to the olive groves and to the vineyards.

But Provence is not just beautiful landscapes. It is also a rich cultural life , a well valued historical heritage , but also outdoor sports activities : canoeing , rafting , aqua-hiking and its famous Imbut course , canyoning , mountain biking, Déval-Bike , Trott’Elec , hiking, paragliding, sailing… something to delight everyone.

The essentials in the Verdon

Activities in Castellane

The best activities to do in Castellane

Unmissable place for your stay in the Verdon, Castellane offers a multitude of activities to discover during your holidays, in a typical setting of the region.

Le verdon with the family - discovery rafting
Group in the Grand Canyon du Verdon - aqua trek
Canyoning Verdon - the reminder of the Jabron

Located in a still preserved environment, the village of Castellane has a real historical, but also cultural and sporting heritage. Whether your holidays are sporting, cultural or relaxing, you will undoubtedly find your happiness in Castellane!

What to do in Castellane?

The Sentier du Roc

The village of Castellane can be the starting point for hikes, in particular the Sentier du Roc (4 km) which will lead you to the Notre-Dame du Roc chapel along the ramparts of Castellane. The climb is done gradually from the Tourist Office. At the top, a breathtaking view of Castellane and the valley awaits you. You will also find an orientation table there to identify the surrounding peaks.



Nature and heritage house

Open to the public, the Maison nature et patrimoine de Castellane invites you to discover the natural and cultural riches of the Verdon through exhibitions, advice and activities all year round.

Resistance Museum

This museum offers multiple objects, documents and rare photos of the Resistance. you will also find several life-size reconstructions of the underground and of life in the maquis.


Automobile enthusiasts will be won over by this museum representing post-war Citroën production in exceptional original condition.

The Valley of the Sirens

This is a hike that starts at the Col des Lèques, near Castellane. This leads you to a unique geological site in the world: a 40 million year old marine cemetery. It follows a 4 km round trip walk, which you can do as a family.

Outdoor activities

Discover the Gorges du Verdon with, for example, Rafting , aqua hiking or Trott’elec , a new ecological and sustainable machine.

Swimming in the surrounding lakes

A few kilometers from Castellane, you will find lakes where you can swim, walk, rent canoes or pedal boats. The closest are the lakes of Castillon where you can practice the famous activity of Jumps Paddle and Chaudane and its magnificent gorges.

Bars, restaurants and entertainment

In the village, you can enjoy good local tables or the sunny terraces of the bars. In summer, an outdoor cinema offers many films under the stars! Also do not hesitate to consult the website of the tourist office to keep you informed of the various activities.

Many services

In Castellane, you will find accommodation (hotels, campsites , lodgings, apartments for rent ) but also everything you need during your stay: shops, local shops, supermarket, healthcare professionals, transport. There is also a market on Wednesday and Saturday morning. A reception area is in place for motorhomes.

The essentials in the Verdon

The vultures of the Verdon

Verdon vultures: all you need to know to observe them

Vultures are biding their time

Vultures in the verdon

For 20 years, superb vultures have been reintroduced in the Verdon. You can observe several species in the sky.

A vulture reintroduction program

Twenty years ago, the vultures had completely disappeared from the sky of the Verdon, and this for half a century. It is thanks to the involvement of passionate people that you can observe them again today. Indeed, naturalists launched a program to reintroduce vultures in 1999. 12 griffon vultures were released at this time in Rougon . Twenty years later, this project has borne fruit as many birds of different species fly over Provence and the southern Alps. Some can reach a wingspan of 2.65 meters and weigh up to 7-8 kg. They feed mainly on animal carcasses, sheep and lambs, but also wild boars, deer, chamois and other wild animals.

What species of vultures can we observe in the Verdon?

Griffon vulture

It is the first species that was introduced in 1999. Nearly a hundred griffon vultures were released between 1999 and 2005 near Rougon. You will easily identify it with its long wings and two-colored plumage on the upper parts. Its head is small and white. It measures between 95 and 105 cm and can reach a wingspan of 2.80 m!

The monk vulture

It was in 2005 that the monk vultures were reintroduced by the program while the colony of griffon vultures had been perpetuated. 11 cinereous vultures were released but not all of them stayed in the Verdon. Observers affirmed that a pair of monk vultures reproduces regularly, thus contributing to the sustainability of the species. It is the largest of European raptors. It measures about one meter, for a wingspan between 2.5 and 2.95 meters. Young, its plumage is black while it later turns brown. Its wings are wide and long.

Egyptian vulture

He is also nicknamed the Egyptian Vulture. The Egyptian vulture was not reintroduced within the framework of the program but it can however be observed in the sky of the Verdon. He has been breeding there since 2007. It measures between 56 and 75 cm for a wingspan of about 1.70 meters. Its wings are long and rectangular and its head narrow. Its plumage is brown when young and turns white and black when it reaches adulthood.

More occasionally, another species of vulture can be observed. It’s about Bearded vulture . It’s the biggest ! It can reach wingspan of up to 2.75 meters!

Where to observe vultures in the Verdon?

To see vultures, nothing could be simpler! In summer, you can follow the ridge route and stop at one of the many lookouts. Equipped with a pair of binoculars, you can admire them up close, especially near Rougon. You can also book a tour with a vulture specialist, who will tell you more about these raptors and take you to specific viewing spots.

During a rafting or water hike on the Point Sublime , Pont de Tusset , Couloir Samson and Imbut routes in the heart of the Grand Canyon , you will have the opportunity to observe them spinning in the sky. above you.

Also note that vultures are not the only animals that you will be able to observe in the sky of the Verdon. You will also be able to see these species: the Golden Eagle, the Peregrine Falcon, the Common Ravens or the Red-billed Chough.

Want another drier activity? Come and learn about the all-terrain electric scooter or for more thrills the Deval’Bike .

The essentials in the Verdon

Rafting Verdon

Rafting on the Verdon – The beauty of the Gorges du Verdon

The gorges du verdon is first of all the largest canyon in Europe … just that ! Of unequaled beauty, it offers one of the most admirable landscapes of the PACA region. Imagine: in the heart of the green province, the gorges 700 meters deep by location.

And at the bottom flows a river: the Verdon. Taking its source in the Southern Alps, this course amazes with its magnificent colors. Sometimes emerald, sometimes turquoise, the Verdon travels from the high mountains , through the impressive cliffs of the gorges to flow into the Durance. It is a delight for the eyes. An unmissable natural and wild spectacle of the pre-Alps. But not only: it is also a famous place for the practice of water sports.

Lovers of outdoor recreation and whitewater activities will have a blast. Canoeing , canyoning , swimming, aqua-rando, Trott’Elec … Unless you are interested in rafting? Don’t worry, our competent, friendly, and professional team is ready to accompany you in this thrilling leisure activity, ensuring complete safety throughout.

We welcome you on booking : contact us for more information!

Panorama on the Verdon river

Rafting: what is it?

It is one of the water sports but it is also a hobby. Rafting is practiced in the great outdoors, in rivers with strong currents. On board an inflatable boat (called raft ), it’s about paddling down the stream.

Team spirit is important: up to 8 people can maneuver the craft to challenge rapids.
Don’t panic: our experienced guide is here to help!

HPO ( Haute-Provence Outdoor )offers the opportunity to paddle while under the guidance of a skilled professional, allowing you to navigate down the Verdon River. Of course, in addition to the paddles, we will provide you with life jackets and helmets… And our team’s smiles are included!

(Haute-Provence Outdoor) offers the opportunity to paddle while under the guidance of a skilled professional, allowing you to navigate down the Verdon River.

We advise you to come by reservation and let’s go for the adventure. With family, friends or alone: we necessarily have the formula that suits you. This activity is accessible to all on the condition of knowing how to swim .

Rafting on the Verdon - PACA

The verdon: ideal river for rafting

What river is the most suitable for the practice of this activity?
It is with a hint of chauvinism that we dare to say it: the Verdon is the best place in Europe for rafting.

You will find rapids suitable for beginners or more experienced . And in addition, you will have the chance to practice this hobby in a fabulous landscape of streams and steep cliffs . An exceptional mineral and aquatic decor.

And since it’s not just sport, you can also relax and enjoy clear water perfect for swimming!

Rafting the Verdon river - PACA
The essentials in the Verdon

Canyoning in the Gorges du Verdon

Let yourself be tempted by canyoning in the Gorges du Verdon

Embark on the great canyoning adventure

Do you have a taste for risk? Adventure ? Have you always dreamed of thrills? Are you only thriving in the middle of nature? Look no further, you absolutely must canyoning in the Gorges du Verdon.

For novices who do not know what canyoning is, we offer you a small remedial session. Indeed, canyoning is a complete sport that combines fun outdoor activities such as hiking, climbing and swimming in the mountains, rivers of the Verdon.

Whether you are beginners, thrill seekers or more athletic, several courses are possible according to your desires: the Haut-Jabron, the Gours du Ray, the Saint-Auban, the Riolan

Book your canyoning activity in the verdon now:

Canyoning Verdon - the reminder of the Jabron

Who is canyoning for?

If the adventure tempts you but you are afraid of not being experienced enough, above all, fear not! Canyoning is accessible to anyone who is looking for thrills. And you will not be let down at any time unknown since an authorized instructor will guide you through each step.

Canyoning will give you all the adrenaline you need by combining fun activities such as zip lines, abseiling, toboggans and jumps. You will also allow you to discover the incredible landscapes sheltered by the Verdon, from sumptuous rivers to refreshing waterfalls.

Go canyoning in complete safety

If you still hesitate to get started in canyoning, also know that the Gorges du Verdon offers courses entirely adapted to your desires but also to your level! A simple discussion with your instructor should be enough to find out which route is right for you.

Please note that the equipment that will be lent to you to ensure your progress on the various outdoor courses is washed after each excursion. But it is also recent and in accordance with safety standards, and suitable for all types of body type.

Combine your passion for sport with the discovery of nature

With the arrival of fine weather, the temperatures will quickly rise and will allow you to practice your favorite sporting activity in the heart of nature. If the current health situation worries you and prevents you from doing indoor sport as you used to, the practice of canyoning in the open air will allow you to maintain your physical shape and take adequate precautions to preserve your health.

In addition, playing sports will no longer only be synonymous with improving your physical condition, but it will also be an open door to discovering the best that nature has to offer. Canyoning will allow you to discover fabulous waterfalls and landscapes like you have never seen before.

Do you prefer a less aquatic and drier activity? Come and test the Trott’Elec to discover the village of Trigance.

Canyon verdon - Aiglun

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