Canoeing – Carajuan Bridge – Intermediate Course

“Carajuan Bridge”
– Intermediate course

the verdon by canoe

Activity details :

Canoeing Verdon – “Carajuan Bridge” – Intermediate Course

Informations :

From 12 years old

The activity takes place on the Verdon river

Activity only possible on days when the dam upstream of the river is closed and in low season:

Information for the dam communicated by EDF the day before for the next day.

Requirements :

Be in good physical condition and not suffer from any medical contraindication to the practice of sport.

Know how to swim and be comfortable in the water

Equipment needed:

A good pair of sneakers – Mandatory
A swimsuit, Shorts
A towel
A bag for dry items
A bottle of water
A cord for glasses (2€ on site) or contact lenses

We provide:

Full neopren wetsuit
Safety equipment

Presentation of the activity Canoe Kayak Pont de Carajuan sur le Verdon.

This fun course is done with a closed dam , and requires to be in good physical condition as well as in good health. This canoe kayak trip in the Verdon of about 1h30 which will take you to a magnificent area of ​​the river where, perhaps, you will have the chance to see the Dipper , a small bird from the Gorges which will follow you for a few meters before letting you continue on your way.

The course “ Carajuan Is one of the most interesting canoe trips in the Gorges . On board an airboat (single or two-seater), called canoe Kayak and accompanied by your guide, you will discover the Verdon Gorge from the most beautiful angle!

It is a course with a succession of small rapids and beautiful moments of break to be able to admire the Gorges. For the more heated, you can swim and even enjoy a little jump if you feel like it. Do not hesitate !

At Haute Provence Outdoor this route begins after the municipal campsite of Carajuan (10 min from our base), and ends just at the entrance to the famous Samson corridor below Point Sublime , the gateway to the largest Grand Canyon in Europe .

And if you feel like exploring it, we advise you to take a look at our Rando-Aqua !

But like everything beautiful landscape is earned, at the end of the course, a last effort is necessary to carry your boat to the top of the stairs to join the bus that will take you back to the campsite.

For the more seasoned, this descent will allow you to make the most of the wonders that we have to offer the Verdon .

For the more novice, get ready for some adrenaline rush, lots of discovery and fun.

For your groups of seminars or your EVG / EVJF , contact us to organize one or more activities over a whole day .

Prepare your Canoe Kayak trip in the Gorges du Verdon

Vous devrez arriver 10 min avant l’heure indiquée dans votre mail de confirmation, sur notre base située juste à côté du camping Huttopia “Gorges du Verdon. You will meet your instructor (guide). We have locker rooms for you to change and leave your belongings, however you will have to leave your valuables in your vehicle. Once equipped, after a briefing and safety instructions , we will go directly to the edge of the river.

Presentation of the activity

Come and discover , in the most beautiful way, the most emblematic part of the Gorges du Verdon. By taking quieter passages and facing beautiful rapids, this descent will be both fresh and spectacular. Your guide ensures your safety , gives advice on how to improve your technique and adapts the course to your level . A great activity, full of laughter , wonder and sport awaits you!!!


Finally, this 1h30 downhill activity will take you to the entrance of the famous Samson Corridor, offering a magnificent panoramic view of the Grand Canyon. Before returning, one last effort : carry your canoe to the mini-bus, and enjoy a breathtaking view. Back at the campsite, you can collect your belongings and continue your day with beautiful memories in mind.


 Age requisPrérequisDuréeA partir de
"Carajuan Bridge"12 yearsbe able to swim 25m3:0050€


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Age Requirement
12 years
be able to swim 25m
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to swim 25 m
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16 years old
be able to swim 25m
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16 years old
be able to swim 25m
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